Unknown PCB and Mercury levels
Moms and moms to be everywhere: I know you're eager to give baby the best nutrients possible. But when it comes down to it, go with a different product. Invest in a safe and trusted brand. Garden of life preaches about its rigorous testing and purification, but the one thing that caught my attention is that you cannot look up your batch (of which you've purchased) to check for heavy metal and PCB levels. Nordic naturals allows you to do this and view the results of your batch after purchase but before consuming. Also, garden of life uses mackerel as one of the fish in their ingredients, a common fish known for high mercury levels. Their responses/description of their product are personally not reassuring whatsoever: “Remarkably low levels of oxidation” and “Undetectable levels of PCB's and heavy metals”. Not sure about you but I would like to have a lot more information than that other than “undetestable”. I'm a penny pincher and garden of life definitely caught my attention by their concentrated omega 3 levels and prices, but I refuse to consume this product in doing more research. By no means am I a medical professional or a pharmaceutical critic, but this product has lost my trust before even gaining it