A good supplement for a bargain price you may want to check out.
It never ceases to amaze me the wide variations in price of numerous food supplements. An example is the supplement CO Q 10 which is supposed to help keep your heart strong, boosts energy, defends against free radicals, supports healthy vision and hearing, and strengthens your immune system. After searching on Amazon, which shows a very large choice of different supplements for bargain prices, I found this wonderful product (Puritans Pride, Qsorb, CO Q 10, 100 mg, rapid release 240 soft gels) for a great price and the service was very quick receiving it in one day. I found the gel tablets easy to swallow and I now take one of these a day. If you are seeking a Co Q10 supplement do not be taken in by the very high prices some manufacturers charge for this supplement. Check out Puritans brand on Amazon and you can compare prices for yourself. Rating: 4 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Chair/Seated Tai Ci, Qigong and Yoga stretching for seniors and the physically challenged)