Helped my toddler (18-23 months old) from being constantly sick from daycare!
My toddler started daycare during winter at 18 months old (1.5 years) and for EVERY WEEK after that, we'd battled her constant runny was exhausting. Finally, even though everyone was telling me "yea, that's normal for kids to be constantly fighting some virus, cold, illness due to all the daycare germs"--I'd had enough. No matter how 'normal' it seemed, just because she didn't have a bad fever, I was tired of watching my kid combat every sickness that happened to be floating around amongst her newfound friends. It got to the point where I couldn't remember a time when she wasn't congested, sneezing, or getting over cold-like symptoms over the 12 weeks that she'd been there. It was like she was constantly sick. No exaggeration, literally 4 days after adding a few drops of this to my daughter's sippy cup in the morning and 1-2 drops mixed into her fruit bowl that I gave her (for snack) each day, her runny nose and watery eyes disappeared! She also began to sleep better. Some say it was simply because her immune system had finally combatted all the germs for the 3 months she was at daycare, but I doubt that. The kids in her class were all affected by a stomach bug that was going around for a few days, and she didn't get it at all. I sincerely think the Echinacea helps keep her immune system strong. For example, there was a 1 week timeframe that I didn't use it, because I assumed she was "fine" without it. Then, like clockwork...BOOM! A few days later, she had a cold, this time with a slight fever. So, I began to mix it in her water and juice box (or fruit cup) again and she was fine within a few days. I highly recommend this