I have suffered with GI issues all of my life. Over 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with "an excellent breeding ground for stomach ulcers", IBS, celiac disease and lactose intolerance. Fun! Searching for a healing approach, in addition to abstaining from gluten and lactose, I had the good fortune to be introduced to George Warren. We met for about an hour, all the time sipping on a glass of aloe. His convictions were so strong re: the health benefits of aloe that I was compelled to give his aloe a go. I am so glad I did! I've been drinking it ever since and have never felt better. This is from someone who knew where all the bathrooms were in all the malls and stores in town. My only gritch is that it has recently increased considerably in price. Some of that increase may be from the retailer, but George's usually has a pretty narrow profit margin. Nonetheless, I will continue to use it and celebrate a pain- and urgency-free life. ;-) As a side note, I was saddened by his passing, however I'm hoping his family will keep up the good work and good name of George's aloe. Thanks George
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