Why to look no further
Excellent product!! I've been using it for years and it's helped tremendously. For years I worked at a vitamin shoppe, who's name I'm not going to put on here, but I will say that this is one of the top joint supplements on the market. This product uses the easily obsorbed sulfate glucosamine and chondroitin instead of the cheaper hydrochloride (hcl) which your body cannot assimilate effectively. (which is why people buy the cheap glu/chon hcl mix and it doesn't work for them). Now it does take at least a week before you notice anything and upwards of a month to two months for it to really do its job due to the lack of the human body not having a direct blood flow to your joints. You do have to take 4 a day and they are pretty large but after a month or so when your joints start to feel better you can bring it down to three or possibly two (unless the pain, clicking, grinding, etc, returns) for cost reasons. Only take two twice daily with food and don't over take these or you will have an uncomfortable feeling in your joints(I've done it/not fun). And of course do not take if you are allergic to shellfish. I hope this helps and you find the relief that you have been looking for