Great product.
I had serious Hypothyroid issues. I had thyroid nodules... The Doctors just wanted to Cut my thyroid out of my body.... If you have thyroid issues do not trust the doctor's. They are all about how to make money rather than how to help you. They are allowed to invest in and make money off of medical drugs and treatments. So say an Endo doctor will invest is stuff like thyroid hormones and other thyroid treatments.... Never once did any of my doctors suggest that I take anything like Selenium or Iodine. Long story short I refused to let the doctors do to me what they wanted to. To have your thyroid removed they use radiation several times and kill it that way first than eventually take it out so you can use a thyroid hormone to replace your thyroid. But the dirty secret is that there is nothing at all wrong with the thyroid other parts of the body is not interacting with the thyroid because the thyroid is deficient in nutrients it needs like Iodine and Selenium. There are other nutrients the thyroid needs like zinc. My suggestion to anyone with Thyroid issues is to do their own research and I can tell you it is a lot of work with so many disinformation videos on YouTube that will tell you never take Iodine that you get enough of it in your diet... If you are having an illness or a medical condition their is a 100% chance you are infected because your body need detoxed from all the heavy metals in your body and other toxins and that you have a nutrient imbalance. Most doctors will not ever tell you about Detoxing your body about finding what nutrients you may be lacking. After Detoxing and taking Iodine, Selenium, Zinc Arg, and a Thyroid specific blend. I had an ultra sound, PET Scans, many blood tests over months... well I now have no nodules and all of my blood tests are good. With research prayer and taking what your body needs I feel 100% confident people can be healed by not taking radical radiation and radical surgeries, and not even using the costly drugs that are actually bad for your long term health