133 Reviews


Supplement Facts
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container 60
Amuunl Per Sew ng Value
Vrtamm A 1500 mcg rem
(as natural beta carotena vitamin A palmtiate)
Vrtam c (as asoaroro actd) 250 mg 273°;
Vrtamm D (as ohotecatctteratt 15 meg 75ca
Vrtamm E (as d-aipha tacopheryl succmale) 67 mg 447%
m OTHER INGREDIENTS: Hypromellose,
Thiamin (as lhiamin hydmchionde) 20 mg ”367% _ .
R—tboiiavm 20mg 153 a Magnestum Stearate, Calctum Phosphate,
Ntactn (as ntactnamtde) 0 mg l25%
V——ttam Esiaspy do drochio e) 20mg mar Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silica.
Folale 1020 mcg DFE 255%
(600 mcg loltc acid)
Vrtamm BIZ (as cyanocobaiam 100 mcg «67% CONTAINS SDY_
arotm 250 mcg 333%
Pantotrramo Actd (as calorurrr dapanlolhenalei 20 mg 400%
oatorum (as catcrum carbonat male) 150 mg (2%
trorr (as terrous lumarate) 18 mg (00%
todme (as ke class m iodide) 200 mcg (33%
M grresrum (as magnasrum ,aspartatet 75 mg 13%
Zinc ( nc curate) 15 mg ‘36'7:
Seiemum (as sodrum seienata L etenomethro 70 mcg 127%
Copper (as copper glucanate) 2 mg 222%
Manganese (as manganese giucunate) 5mg was DIRECTIONS. For women consume
Chlomlum (as chromium chionde) 120 mcg 343%
Moiybdenttm (as sodrurrr moiybdale) 70 mag ism 2 capsules with food_
Dong Ouai (Ange/[ca smensis) 4-t Hoot Exiraci so mg
Chastebetry inlex agnu casrrrst aerry Extract 50 mg
Garcmra Extract (Gamma camaograxrrndt so mg
Uva Ursr powdered (teatt Exlvacl so mg
W SUGGESTED USE: Intended for use in
(roomstandardizedlo 20 ' aescrn
@ healthy adults as part of a healthy.
Butchers Broom powdered (root) 15 mg _
LemonPeeIPowder 10mg balanced diet and exerctse program.
IsopropOKy tsottavone 10 mg
Grape Seed Extract 10 mg
Deudonzed Game 10 mg
Soy isollavo s 2 mg
Lycopene (tomato iycopene) 250 mcg
Lutem 250 mcg
Aime-Carotene 93 5 may
Cryptoxarr 22 a mcg
Zea antmn 18.7 mg
' Daily Vaiue not estabilsh