I began to take this for the hormonal changes that were happening since turning 50. My symptoms were migraines, sinus pressure, eye pressure and ear aches. These symptoms would occur for approximately 10-12 days a month. They are down to 3-4 days with much less intensity. Big difference. I also would get hot flashes,cold flashes and pain in a foot. These are almost completely gone and when they do come, it last for minutes. My worst symptoms was digestive-diarrhea, gas, indigestion. I dreaded to leave my house to eat. After 3-4 weeks on these, I saw a difference. I have an average of 2-3 very bad days of diarrhea -no indigestion and gas is barely nothing and when it does occur it lasts for several minutes only. I am so in love with these pills. It is worth the sacrifice of the pill being so large. I feel that I have my life back. I am finally back to working out and enjoying life again. The pills were recommended by my uncle who was a holistic and acupuncturist for over 30 years. I wish Iwould have spoken to him earlier. I also take b-complex and vitamin d several times a week, not daily
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