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I really like this product. I have used this product to help manage systemic inflammation. More specifically, I use in combination with other supplements to help manage my prostate health. I have notice that using this product with the other products does help manage inflammation more effectively.
Other types of inflammation that this could be used for would be managing inflammation of the joints. Many times, as we age, we feel like we just don't move the same as when we were younger. It feels more restricted to move and bend. One cause of that could be that the body is experiencing systemic inflammation.
So, what is systemic inflammation? It is when the interstitial fluid builds up within the body. This is fluid that occurs between the cells. It is used to carry nutrients to the cell and carry away the waste products after cellular respiration has occurred. Think of it like squeezing a garden hose with the water running. What happens? The water yields to the pressure and flows less. Think of the cell as being the garden hose and the increased pressure of the interstitial fluid as you squeezing that hose except that it is happening throughout your body. Everything becomes tighter and therefore works less efficiently. Reducing inflammation then eases that pressure.
Lastly, I would like to say that managing symptoms of any kind is not always going to be effective. That's because we can only hypothesize as to what the underlying cause is based on the symptoms. For example, I mentioned inflammation of the joints. If a person is having discomfort in the joints, then that could be caused by many factors â€" one of which could be systemic inflammation. Or, it could be multiple factors all occurring at the same time â€" one of which is systemic inflammation. The only way, at least that I have found, to determine the cause of the underlying condition is to try different products that target different causes. Sometimes I try multiple products until I find one that works. The others not working does not necessarily reflect poorly on the product; it just might be that the underlying cause is not able to be addressed by the particular product. So, if a person were to not feel any benefit from this product, it is likely that the underlying cause of the discomfort is not systemic inflammation versus the product is not a quality product.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a physician nor am I dispensing medical advice. This review is only conveying my nutritional knowledge, experiences, and opinions in hopes that it provides insight for the reader.
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