just like “Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C” This …
This product is just Ascorbic Acid plus some food extracts. You can't get 250mg Vitamin C (or anything else) out of 126mg total extracts, which is all this product contains. They are tricky about the wording, just like "Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C" This company, like "Garden of Life" is preying on your lack of knowledge regarding vitamin labeling. They can say "Vitamin C" without explaining the source or type, because for label purposes, Vitamin C by default is ascorbic acid. This company uses the wording "whole food complexed vitamin C" to be tricky. This just means they combined Vitamin C with whole foods. On labels, complexed = "combined with". Unless the product says "Vitamin C (from berries)" or similar, than it is just plain old corn based ascorbic acid. Notice the only people saying it is not ascorbic acid are reviewers? The company will never state that on the box, on its website, or in an email, because it would be illegal to make a false claim. If you want natural Vitamin C, look for one from berries or at least a non-GMO, non-chinese corn source