Okay, I'm scared to write this, and I might change it later. But I received this on Thursday EARLY. So I took it first thing, then again at 2:00ish. I kept getting up from my desk and going wow, I'm not stiff (knees mostly). Must be because I haven't sat that long. Took it before I went to bed.
Got up the next morning took it on Friday. Figured I was moving around too much to be stiff. By the afternoon, I realized with all that I was doing, I should be stiff, no matter what. During dinner in the living room, I sat on my legs bent under me, definitely a "you're gonna pay position". When I went to get up, had a little pain in my knees, but not stiff. I'm going no NO WAY.
Saturday came. I went to throw some boxes in the recycling, which is down a couple of steps. I hit the last one, when I realized I wasn't holding on, I didn't have to do the one step at a time. After three more times up and down, I was still going normally. I went down to the basement and on the way up I realized I wasn't pulling myself up with the handrail. I did four loads of laundry, I didn't have to set the basket on a step (the walk up two steps, plop the basket on the next two steps higher, walk up...) I just carried them up. Then I sat on the floor to play with the grandkids after dinner. I seriously thought about getting up with no assistance from the sofa, however, that didn't work. However, all I needed was a one-handed assist and I didn't have to push down so hard as usual.
I'm still going NO WAY, this stuff takes time to work! I have had this stiffness for years now. It gets progressively worse the more active I am. Today was the same. I was climbing a two-step stepstool, up and down, up and down, cleaning the upper cabinets in the kitchen. But the stiffness is gone. I can get up after sitting for awhile and not have to wait to fully straighten up then take a tentative step or two, usually holding onto like my desk or something until that stiffness goes away. But yeah, I'm staying with this stuff, but I'm driving my kids crazy as I run around going WOW
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