54yo post menopausal, heavy drinker, 90lbs over weight, sleep apnea, mild arthritis in knees, brain fog, stiffness, body aches, severe depression and anxiety and these vitamins are giving me life. I started a APAP machine about 1 mth ago while having used these vitamins for about 2 mths and my energy and brain focus improved almost over night. I was using my knees and bending them further than I had in years! But I made the mistake and stopped taking them 6xs a day and noticed body aches and my mild arthritis returning. That's when I realized the vitamins were helping me more than the APAP. So I increased the number I am taking a few days ago and my energy and strength is returning. My goal is to increase my H2O intake, walk my dog 2xs a day and start some cardio in my garage gym. The vitamins are giving me hope that I can turn things around and get back to a healthier lifestyle. The taste is no problem at all and the benefits far exceed the value!!! They may be making my coffee gas worse so gotta give up coffee…
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