bowel disorders, ibd, Crohns disease Colitis.. issues
I am the grandmother of a teenager who was diagnosed with Crohns disease in 2010 she was in and out of the hospital 105 days finally had surgery. Her Gastroenterologist suggested in Dec of 2010 that she start taking Align. at first we were hesitant, she had lost most of her hair. still had many symptoms from her illness. many prescription drugs and even Remicade infusions. we started taking the Align in Dec and by Valentines day her hair was growin back she had lost it due to the Chemo drugs she was taking from May 2010 til Late Oct 2010. her skin was pale and she continued to be enemic and skin and hair issues continueds. she is not on the Chemo drugs any more and her symptoms of Crohns have improved so much. her skin looks good her hair has finally grown out so she don't have to wear wigs and she did for about 8 months. she can eat just about anything now. the Align has made sucxh a difference in her overall health she is now on only 3 pills a day and takes align now this month makes a year. we surely can see a difference in her overall health this product is good. we tired a cheaper one to try to say money but it left a bad taste that she kept burping up and interferred with her ability to eat so we came back to Align. I recommend it to anyone who has ibd,Crohns or Colitis too any bowel issue. she says the Align don't leave a bad taste in her throat or in the back of her mouth like some others we trieds. we are Align believers. i surely am glad we found it. thanks for the opportunity to tell you about this we live in Tennessee and she is going to live along life with Crohns disease because of the benefits of this pill