Silver Works – I should know
First of all I have to make a confession. I used to be an area rep for American Biotec labs when they were first starting to break into selling them in stores. Quit after two weeks since the constant calling of health food and other health based establishments was frustrating. Never collected a pay check since I didnt have time to build a clientele base. That being said, I will explain why I wanted to be in on the ground floor with Silver Biotics. Silver is not only a precious metal but also is an industrial metal used in electronics because of its conductivity. But more recently silver has been used in the medical industry because of its anti-microbial properties. Its use can be found in surgical instruments, wound patches, counter tops and even clothing(think MRSA, MRSP infections). Even the US Army has incorporated its use in uniforms for troops in the field for extended periods of time to prevent odors and infections. Take that property of silver to kill almost every microbe(if not every microbe) with no heath risks and now incorporate that into something on can ingest for infections. Heard that the first real test cases were with Malaria with a 100% success rate. The medical community does not want this information available to the masses though. Big Pharma makes big bucks keeping the masses sick and at their mercy/control. Cant have the masses being healthy or healing themselves now, can they? Bad for business and control. Cant have people opting out of a flu shot with mercury when they can ingest SB and skip the poison the big Pharma elites want to inject into their bloodstream. BTW, MMS was also 100% effective on Malaria as tested by the Red Cross in Africa but the globalist controlled press and media did a great job of keeping this info from the masses and even did an ABC hit piece on MMS. Do the research there. I also use MMS for infections since it is more cost effective and has a longer shelf life but not as safe and easy to ingest as SB. Have used SB with the friends/family when infections were an issue. Ear infections knocked out within an hour. Colds recovery time cut in half or more if not knocked out before it takes hold depending on the person taking it on a timely basis. Unfortunately I dont keep track of all the success stories my friends/family have had since I am not asking all the people that use it. I have one member of my church who buys cases from me when I get them on sale(I am still in AB's data base and they call me every so often when they have a sale for distributors past and present). Have not bought cases in over two years(missed the sale date) and am out. That is the only reason I had to come here now and pay more even though this is still a decent price on Amazon but not what I get if for when I catch the sale date. The lady in my church has been begging me for a few more cases for her family because it works so well so I had to point her here for now