Can heal strep throat with mouth sores.
This is great for step throat. Take twice a day. I add in Belladonna 30c a few times a day (separate from the merc. sol) to help with the throat pain as well as Calendula 30 (to sooth mouth sores and speed up their healing), 2-3 times a day as well. Space remedies out. The body can only read one remedy at a time. The Belladonna really helps with the pain. It is the difference between my kids eating or not eating when they have strep throat, at least in my experience. I am not a trained homeopathy but have been studying homeopathy myself for a couple years (so take at your own risk) or contact a local homeopath for professional advice. They are worth their weight in gold. Joette Calabrese and Sue Meyer are wonderful folks to study under. And, no I am not paid in any way for this review. Homeopathy has changed mine and my families lives for the better in such a big way and it should be shouted for a wide, in my opinion