This will NOT cause cancer.
I've only taken 5 doses of this Cod Liver Oil so far and I love the taste; completely like lemon, without any aftertaste. It is oil, so it's odd to get used to swallowing at firstâ€"but it is a very thin oil, making it easier. I wanted to start taking it for the many health benefits that omega unsaturated fatty acids give to your skin, hair, heart, and cholesterol levels. I'm hope to soon notice the “glow” that I've seen and heard people rave about when taking this. I'm currently in medical school and do want to let future buyers know that this product will NOT cause cancer of any kind. It does have synthetic vitamin A, Retinyl palmitate, which is an antioxidant (cancer-fighting) all on its own. It's also added to many low-fat and nonfat dairy products that have been stripped of many fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A. It is true that in a small clinical trial, retinyl palmitate was shown to exacerbate Skin cancer in rats when applied topically and fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K do have a toxicity limit but you would need to consume around 20,000 IU (or 20 doses of cod liver oil) per day to reach toxic levels that can cause adverse effects. So, in short, take the serving size daily without worries of cancer and reap the benefits