Add Strawberries Fresh or Frozen
My 12 year old daughter will not eat eggs, pancakes, waffles, french toast or Cream of Wheat for breakfast but loves Carnation Instant Breakfast. Now and then she will eat Oatmeal with fruit. I make her a shake almost every morning. I buy strawberries on sale when in season, freeze them and transfer them to my vacuum sealer and seal and freeze (not re-frozen). Then I use 1 cup skim milk (usually add a tablespoon of plain yogurt), 1 raw egg (no we've never had a problem with Salmonella - in 3 years - started these at 9), add 7-8 frozen strawberries, 1 teaspoon organic Chai seed - blend in blender THEN add 1 strawberry packet (if we have strawberry, if not vanilla), mix just 5-10 seconds just to mix the strawberry powder and voila, she is a happy camper. I did a spreadsheet between my recipe, oatmeal (flavored ones with plain added), cream of wheat with about the same ingredients and the Carnation Instant Breakfast came out WAY ahead in nutrition. The only thing I don't like is the 19 grams sugar. I checked with her pediatrician and was told not to worry about the sugar as my daughter is VERY active, is on a swim team and swims 5 days a week, is slender and in very good health. (Your doctor may have different advice for your child so DO NOT take this information as gospel for your child!). I also use the vanilla flavor with blueberries (fresh or frozen with no sugar added) and she loves those as well. The chocolate either milk or dark also makes a great shake with strawberries, blueberries or a combination. I think the taste is a tad different overall from Nestle strawberry drink but I also like this shake described above. I hope this helps some. Taste is very subjective so keep that in mind