No PMS symptoms this time; Hormonal chin acne cleared up; hormonal? jawline acne clearing up; Back pain gone;
Skin: My chin acne has completely cleared up in just a few weeks. Also the slight flushing there is much reduced to a pink rather than a red. I used to get a new chin pimple every day, that would flake off and dry pretty fast. I did not buy collagen with any specific purpose in mind, just a general thought that it could "help in some ways". My jawline acne is going away too, I can tell. They are getting smaller and healing. I am sure once these are gone, they won't come back. I started using sunscreen on my arms this year, and while that obviously has something to do with it, I am noticing years of deep tan on my arms fading. Also seeing the skin on my butt looking more even toned with dark patches going away...and that area certainly hasn't seen the sun...I dunno about stretch marks which aren't that noticeable for me anyway, but skin is definitely evening up on areas that were uneven even without sun exposure. I am confident in a year's time I can have perfect skin - I don't mind waiting as this is sure way easier than dealing with creams. I still have some acne on my cheeks, but I am hopeful that with this and/or this and biosil I started a week ago those will also go away. I will give it a few weeks. It will be convenient and nice to have perfect skin and use only sunscreen topically. Seeing how sensitive my acne-prone skin is to topicals (luckily I found a working body and face wash and sunscreens) I believe that is best. Hair: I believe my scalp hair is thicker. I have always had lots of volume in my wavy hair and enough hair to cover my scalp, but the thickness of individual strands has varied from fine to medium to thick, with not many fine at all and mostly medium thickness with a more casual diet. Not only has even my volume increased (less shedding?), so has the thickness of individual stands of my hair to the point I am seeing many strands seemingly become thicker. My mother also pointed out my hair looks thicker with more volume, since the 6 months I last saw her in person. I feel my hair shines more now too. I do take other supplements, like blackstrap molasses powder which I am sure is also good - but I started blackstrap molasses significantly more recently (two or three weeks after starting collagen) so hard to tell what is what. I have no PMS symptoms now! I AM taking other supplements, but since my chin acne cleared up I think this supplement may have contributed. I also take blackstrap molasses powder and noticed this improvement within a week of starting blackstrap molasses powder when my period started and I hadn't had moods that whole week (though collagen may have been the main reason as it built up in my system). Back pain: I used to have lower Back pain sitting on the sofa all day in the same position. Now that has completely gone. I can also use the treadmill for long periods of time without feet pain anymore. Only drawback: I am not terribly good at digesting protein and do bloat if I eat too much collagen with other protein things like eggs or meat at the same meal (breakfast for me). But I am working on it, by breaking up heavy protein consumption across the meals and having fiber and probiotics as supplements. My bloating has definitely improved from my pre-collagen days, when I didn't even have all that much meat either. Caveat: I started the other supplements I mentioned (fiber, probiotics, blackstrap molasses and biosil) after using collagen for some weeks and already enjoying some benefits mentioned