I had to come write a review because I feel like anyone who is needing iron, energy or suffering from severe anemia like I was needs this. Ok, I will be real about the flavor of the SSS tonic, yeah.. It's pretty gross, but not any worse than any prescription Cough syrup you've ever received from your doctors office. I own a measuring cup that looks like a large shot glass. It measures ml's, ounces, teaspoons, and tablespoons. I measure out my 3 tablespoons of SSS tonic in the measuring cup and then pour a glass of orange juice in another cup. I take the shot of iron and quickly rinse it down with juice and let a little more juice sit in my mouth a little to really clear any flavor. Orange juice is a perfect chaser since vitamin C helps you absorb iron. Before taking SSS tonic I was having every scary anemia symptom in the book, caused by heavy menstrual periods. I didn't know I was anemic, I was actually scared that I was having heart problems when I went to the doctor. Severe palpitations, palor, pale skin inside of my lips and gums, cold extremities, unable to warm up, lethargic, super tired... I feel great now. The tonic reduced all of my symptoms within a few days and I no longer had any after a couple of weeks but continue to take it daily because I'm not going through that hell again. The B vitamins give you a very noticeable energy boost, I actually feel my body heat up after I take it. This 3 pack of 20oz bottles (the ones at the store are 10oz and last a week with daily use) is the best deal and most convenient way to get your SSS tonic. You only save a little bit of money but you get three big bottles at once and don't have to keep going to the store weekly to purchase 10oz bottles or worry that your local store might be out of stock. I highly, highly recommend to everyone who is iron deficient. Especially all my fellow women out there suffering from heavy periods. Take care of yourselves preferably before you get anemia like I did. I was like a sloth attempting to care for myself, my kids, my household and work. I feel great and actually have energy again. I purchased this supplement with my own money and will continue to do so as long as I need it. I just reviewed to help those who were wondering about buying this vintage looking tonic. IT WORKS, IT'S WORTH IT AND IT DOESN'T HURT YOUR STOMACH LIKE OTHER IRON SUPPLEMENTS. BUY IT!!