Something has changed. With my last order, in April 2020, I purchased 3 x cases of the 30.4 fl oz bottles. When sharing with my husband the health of this water, we noticed that the brand labeling had changed: omitting ‘no fluoride' where they listed all the perks of drinking this water. Hmph. Take a look at yours. I've included a few images of the original brand label, as it's been advertised (as far as I know) since its first launched in 2015. Also, I include a graphic currently advertised on CORE official website (which depicts the bottles, face forward, not from the sides). Lastly, I include an actual shot I took this morning, of one of the last bottles I had from my (3 x case) purchase back in April 2020: the label seems to have been slightly changed for some reason. But why? Are they no longer claiming this water is fluoride free? Isn't it really expensive to relabel a product like this? I like to keep my household safe from neurotoxins like fluoride as much as possible. I have yet to find any verifiable info on this. Only thing I saw the other day came from an amazon reviewer who gave this a one star. She mentioned that this product ‘is alkaline and has side effects like twitching, nausea, confusion, etc.' â€" things she read from some article, which would have been great had she linked the article, so we can read it ourselves: if, in fact, it was a review on the Core Water brand. Anyway, I absolutely love water always have since I was a lil girl. A bit of a water aficionado/connoisseur, signing off :) if anyone knows of any other water brands that omit fluoride, pls comment below if you can, many thanks. Cheer