highly irritating orange oil gave me IC
I have been taking this supplement for years. and I have developed interstitial cystitis, never suspecting any connection. it's been a real pain. I have gradually eliminated all known irritants relating to IC. no more coffee, no more citrus, tomato, garlic, spices, hot sauce, ginger, etc. no fun for a food loving ex-chef. recently I bought a powdered omega 3 product which I expected to be green, but it was white. so I decided to taste compare the powder to the deva dha. the powder have little flavor, but the deva dha burned my mouth like hellfire-the orange oil. (note to self re-read the fine print every now and then.) bells went off. I stopped taking the deva. IC went away in a week or so. I have started drinking coffee (one cup daily only) again, no problem. the orange oil is VERY highly concentrated. I hope the prolonged inflammation hasn't given me Bladder cancer