I have ibs and needless to say it's been a struggle. Since I was a teenager I've had a pretty good diet. But I always bloated with anything, was constipated and had a belly. No matter what I did, the belly wouldn't go away. The rest of me was thin, but I'd look bloated and just felt uncomfortable. Typically I'd poop twice a week if I was lucky. Fiber didn't always help. I've previously tried the trader Joe's probiotic and they helped me go, but the bulge and Bloating continued. Off chance I tried these. The price for what you get fit my budget, and being gummies I had to try. Within the first day I noticed a difference. Pretty sure I've driven my close friends and family nuts with it. I'm showing them how my belly is gone, and I can eat without Bloating! I'm having a normal poo almost daily. It's not uncomfortable and cramping, but a natural one. I feel better and my self esteem as gone up. For the price just give them a try. They taste like actual gummy bears. I'm stocking up on these and I take 2 a day