Helping my 16yo dog in heart failure
I believe this supplement is truly helping my baby boy of 16 years who is a dachshund. The only thing I've changed with him is adding this supplement 2x a day (I use a little grass fed butter, pour the powder of 1 pill over it, then pour some heated spring water after it's cooled down a little since COq10 powder melts at 104F and possibly makes it more absorbable than oil versions and binds with fat)- I do that before adding his food to the bowl. I also give him Doctor's Best Hyaluronic Acid Chondriotin Sulfate 2x a day mixed into his food after the other steps. Those two supplements, and at the same time I started making him walk around the entire neighborhood with me every morning (15-20 min walk), and on our potty breaks I make him walk further than he would want to. I also let him walk himself up two short flights of stairs to our apartment. The body needs to be stressed to know it needs to heal just like our bones get weaker without stress. After doing this for a couple weeks consistently he is no longer hacking up any foam. He still hacks and coughs, but less frequently than the week before I started all of this, where he really seemed to be going downhill quickly. I am hoping he continues to improve, God willing