better than expected!
I've suffered in the past from high blood pressure and that's why I got this item. Occasionally when I eat salty foods my pressure rises to about 138/90. I bought this as an occasional supplement to help with this problem. So far I've used it 5-6 times and each time it has lowered my blood pressure within 1-2 hours by 20 points or more (both top and bottom numbers). The first day I received this I had eaten Chinese food and shortly after I had a Headache even though I ate small portions. My pressure was high. About 8 PM I took 1 capsule of Nattokinase with water. About 10 PM I fell sound asleep on a chair while watching TV. When I awoke at 12:30 AM I immediately tested my blood pressure and was surprised that it went from 142/92 earlier (probably from the Chinese food) down to 104/71! That's why I was so tired. I didn't want to skip my prescription (5 mg amlodipine for HBP) so I took it and went to bed. My pressure must have gotten very low because I slept about 2-3 hours longer than usual.In the morning, after breakfast, my pressure reading was 112/72. Since that day I only use Nattokinase after a salty meal or if my pressure reading is more than 125/85 which,fortunately, is not very often. Also I carefully open the capsule and use a little more than half. This seems to work like strong blood pressure medication. Furthermore it works within 1-2 hours. I'm not sure if this can replace prescription medication but I will talk to my doctor about it next time I see him. Anyone get rid of prescription medicine and use this instead? It seems that if your pressure is moderately high (about 140/90) Nattokinase would probably be all you need. However, seeing your doctor about this is important because some people can have undiagnosed health problems which need to be addressed. Also when blood pressure goes above 140/90 it can lead to very serious health problems. So far I've found 3 products that definitely lower blood pressure here on Amazon. They are Reishi mushroom extract, Carditone and most recently Nattinokase. Although any of these work well I like the Nattinokase because the only side effect is to make you tired. Reishi upsets your stomach a little unless you eat first. Carditone works very well but it can sometimes make you feel a little sick if you take a whole pill. Many people have told me that half a pill works best. It seems that my first choice now will be the Nattinokase because it works well and has the least side effects. Also the capsules are very small and easy to swallow. This supplement surpassed my expectations and I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from high blood pressure