I have tried B12 tablets, sublingual B12, b complexes, and the energy shot drinks. This particular form of B12 has had a seriously noticeable effect on my energy levels without causing tremors like the energy shot drinks (because they have extra ingredients also). I typically take one in the morning before breakfast with a full glass of water, and another right after lunch to combat the afternoon sleepies. I honestly can't believe what a difference this vitamin has made for me; I used to be so tired all the time and now this helps me get things done that I need to do - just basic things that used to be a huge chore for me - making a little dinner, doing the laundry, just regular everyday things because I would come home so exhausted. Now, it's a relief I can get stuff done just like normal people. What a huge relief and burden lifted off my shoulders. My serious lack of energy even caused me to go into a depression for a while - a bunch of doctor visits, lots of meds that didn't really solve the problem so I stopped taking them, and hundreds of dollars later... My first thought after taking this for about a week and actually feeling normal was "Nine effing dollars. NINE EFFING DOLLARS!" (It was 8.99 when i first bought it). I thought "Really? All it took for me to get normal energy levels again was nine freaking dollars?!?" Anyhow suffice to say, I won't be going to other forms. There are a few brands that have this powdered capsulated form of B12, but I noticed other brands had other fillers and rice powder and since i'm allergic to rice, this one had to be my choice so it's worked out well for me and I've given it to a few gals in the office and they are ordering it now too LOL. Normally I like to put both pros and cons in my reviews, but I honestly can't think of a con on these vitamins, they're just really that awesome to me and I hope I never have to be without them again. Weird that such an inexpensive little vitamin can be that life changing - I must have been pretty deficient in this stuff..