This product is amazing. A friend told about its ability to lower …
This product is amazing. A friend told about its ability to lower blood pressure and since I recently discovered mine was in the Hypertension range, I rushed to give it a try. I checked my pressure, 152/90, before I took my first 2 pills. I started on 2 pills 3 times a day. Within 3 days, my bp had dropped into the 130s/80s. I've been mega dosing at 3 pills, 3 times a day for over 3 months and I feel like a kid again. I'm 62 and a smoker. I check my bp every day and it is now consistently below 120/80 every day. But that's not the only amazing thing that's happened. I was getting short of breath from exertion and I don't now. I've had a lot of joint pain in my knees, elbows, and shoulders. All that pain is gone. I've had chronic lower back pain for years they was debilitating at times. Now I can play golf again with no pain. I had chronic sinusitis and it's now gone. The result that amazes me the most is its effect on my acid reflux. I've been on medication for years and a strict, restriction from alcohol, soft drinks and coffee. I love coffee and just one cup would inflame me so bad that I couldn't dare risk it. Now, my acid reflux is gone. I'm off my medication and I can enjoy an occasional cup of coffee or a soft drink now with no penalty. They call serrapeptase the miracle enzyme and I agree 100%! I will never stop taking it