The Benefits of Calcium, Pneumonia Treatment

Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including maintaining strong bones and teeth, regulating muscle contractions, and aiding nerve function. However, in terms of preventing or aiding with Pneumonia evidence supporting the use of Calcium supplements is limited. As of the available medical research, there is no direct evidence to suggest that Calcium supplementation has a significant impact on preventing or treating Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection that primarily affects the lungs and is often caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. While Calcium is known to play a role in immune function and inflammatory responses, studies investigating its specific impact on Pneumonia are limited and inconclusive. Several studies have explored the role of Calcium in other respiratory infections, such as tuberculosis, but the relevance to Pneumonia remains unclear.

It is important to note that Calcium supplementation should always be discussed with a healthcare professional, as excessive Calcium intake can have adverse effects, such as kidney stones or cardiovascular complications. Instead of relying solely on Calcium supplements, it is advisable to maintain a well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in Calcium, along with practicing good hygiene and getting vaccinated against the specific pathogens that can cause Pneumonia


 1 Review mentioning 'Pneumonia'.

Supplement: , Used for treating Pneumonia
