Multiple sclerosis Sufferer Endorses This Vitamin For MS
As someone with MS, I've been looking high-and-low for a good vegan-based D3 vitamin. As you may know, if you have MS, is that there is a confirmed connection between low D3 levels and MS exacerbations. I am so happy to have finally found these. Note that some D vitamin caps are quite big, but these are much smaller than those. If you're thinking of a large Vitamin E cap or something, think about a capsule that's about 1/2 that size -- that's what these are like. Inside each capsule is the D3 in white power form. I won't go into the many health benefits that many have ascribed the vitamin D. Leave that to the health and supplement professionals. However, I have noted many tangible gains and improvements since taking these -- and yes, I take them along with my multi-vitamin daily. Note that with 60 caps in a bottle, it's easy to use the Amazon subscription service for these. I like that, as taking them one-per-day means that a new bottle arrives just in time for the last one to be emptied out