This miracle product helped me wean off of IV hydration about a decade ago
So, feeling sheepish, as if I was betraying an old friend, I tried Liquid IV after many years of using Drip Drop. Costco now sells Liquid IV for a good price so I figured it was worth a go. Well, that was a big mistake. Lemon Drip Drop easily beats Liquid IV for taste and as someone who needs medical-grade hydration on a daily basis, taste is important to me. I have Crohn's disease and am a colorectal Cancer survivor and I am perpetually mildly to moderately dehydrated. At one point, I required IV hydration every day and as a quality-of-life issue I wanted desperately to get all my hydration by mouth. At that time, I was being treated by a world-class medical team and none of them recommended trying Drip Drop but I discovered it out of desperation. My IV Nurse was AMAZED by the results and told me she'd never thought I'd be able stop with the IV hydration but I proved her wrong and haven't looked back. If it helps someone with serious electrolyte imbalance and chronic dehydration like me, you can imagine how great it would be on an as-needed basis. Now, if only my local Costco would start selling it... P.S. it also works really well on flights--I buy a cold bottle of water after going through security and mix a couple of packets in an empty bottle I bring from home, which lasts me until landing