Used this to help me get over the H1N1 flu.
My husband who has a lot of contact with the public (a police officer) caught the H1N1 flu at the end of October. Despite my best efforts of using a CDC recommended face mask, rubber medical gloves, hand sanitisers and every cleaning product known to mankind, I too fell ill with the H1N1 flu on November 3rd of this year. While sick with this flu, I was prescribed Tamiflu by my doctor (which just made all of us who were given it very sick) and used many kinds of over the counter Cold/flu medicines to help alleviate my misery. However, this flu hangs on FOREVER. It just does not go away. You can be ill for a week, then think you are all better, just to end up being taken by ambulance to the ER 48 hours later (like my mother was). Three weeks after first catching this flu, the fever and lung pain was over, but I could not completely get rid of the rest of the symptoms. The cough and fatigue just stayed with me no matter what what I did and I had also developed a sinus infection. I couldn't get out of bed to do much other then take a shower. A friend who was dropping some stuff off for us also included a packet of Emergen-C with it. I decided to try it and could not believe how much better I felt about an hour later. I didn't even realise at first that it was the Emergen-C that did it. All I knew was for the first time in 3 weeks I felt awake and like I might be starting to get better. The next day my fatigue and other symptoms came back and I realised it was the Emergen-C that had made me feel so much better, I ordered it from Amazon and had it delivered overnight. Right away I started drinking one packet each day and each day after drinking it I felt like I was getting better. After 3 days, my fatigue was gone and my sinus infection that I had suffered from for 2 weeks had subsided. My coughing had completely gone away and for the first time in almost a month I felt like a healthy normal person again. My father who is in his late 50's suffered from this flu about a week more then I did. He went to the doctors 3 times and over the course of his flu, was placed of 2 kinds of antibiotics, Tamiflu, and prednisone steroids. He has had such a bad cough he developed a hernia and will need to have surgery to repair it. He was skeptical of my claims about Emergen-C finally getting rid of my flu, but did reluctantly try it. He has since become a believer and is now over his flu. My husband who amazingly got over his H1N1 flu in only 6 days took Emergen-C several times during his flu. They were given a box of them to keep at their office (as well as a bottle of hand sanitiser) and he drank one each day at work and twice while sick at home. Since he was the first to fall ill with the flu, I just figured 6 days was the typical time it took to get over this flu. It wasn't until my parents, my kids and myself all became ill as well and it took almost a month to get better that I realised he was able to get better sooner because of taking the Emergen-C. My husband, who I have to twist his arm to even take a Tylenol for a headache, swears by this product and now even keeps his own box of them at work. All I can say is that the vitamins in this seems to give your body the tools it needs to make it self better. I would not recommend trying to use this instead of seeing a doctor if your ill and in need of medical treatment. I am just explaining my story of how our family who all became sick with the H1N1 flu, were able to get better results from drinking a packet of Emergen-C each day then we were any of our other medications that were bought over the counter or prescribed to us. If I had to guess, I would say this is because the H1N1 flu is so different then other flu's and many medications do not work against it. Where as with this product, you are simply giving your body's own immune system as much tools as it can to fight the virus. Prior to this flu, I had never even tried Emergen-C before. I chose this flavor because at the time it was the only one available on Amazon Prime for getting it overnight shipping, and I needed right away. It's not like drinking a lemon lime soda. The fizz is minimal. It has a mild taste. But it works so well, I would drink any flavor I could get my hands on! You could also mix it with some of your favorite fruit juice as well if you want to change the taste