For those needing supplemental nutrition but CAUTION
Don't get me wrong, I'll definitely be buying this again. It is convenient and the taste is almost good/not bad. I was told by my doctor to drink this after surgery to make sure I was getting enough protein to promote healing. There are however a couple of things you need to be aware of before using this product. 1. This is not food in the traditional sense of the word. This is a chemical compound of nutrients made by Abbot labs. It's ok as a nutritional supplement but you should not consider it a meal. Perhaps a once a day meal replacement. 2. This stuff will LOCK YOU UP TIGHTER THAN DICKS HAT BAND! By that I mean if you drink one of these a day you may have Constipation. If you drink two of these a day I recommend a daily double dose of stool softener. Just search the web for information on Constipation related issues of using this