Not a Primary Food
This stuff is good to have around for the occasional quick meal for your bearded dragon, but should definitely not be a primary food. I feed my dragon mustard/collard greens and Reptiworms (highly recommended btw). I used to keep this Flucker's stuff in her dish all the time as well, but when many days were passing between her pooping and her becoming more lethargic I knew something was wrong. When she did finally poop it was also very runny. I resorted to extra baths and rubbing her stomach to stimulate digestion. This is a known solution to blocked dragons and after about 30min of this she'd finally poop. Another thing that can affect digestion in dragons are their habitat's temperature. One side of her habitat should reach temps of 90-110°F. My dragon's home was consistently between 95-100°, so I knew that wasn't the problem. I decided to eliminate the Flucker's food and within 2 days my dragon was back to normal. She was pooping regularly and back to her usual active self. Many other dragon owners I've since talked to had similar issues with this Flucker's food and other pellet type foods. I recommend only using this Flucker's Buffet Blend if someone is lizard-sitting your dragon temporarily and doesn't want to deal with salad and worms. This shouldn't be for more than a few days though. Otherwise, sprinkling a few pellets here and there on your dragon's salad (as if you would croutons) is a good way to keep your dragon interested in the salad (bright colors attract them). All veteran bearded dragon owners will tell you that an adult dragon should be fed alternating days of salad (collard/mustard/dandelion greens) and a live food (Reptiworms are my favorite) along with calcium and vitamin supplements. Deviating from this can cause health issues for your dragon