At least one of the one star reviews is a complete lie.
I've been very sick since Oct 2011 - it is now April 2012. I've just started taking this (and I've tried many supplements & when I'm not in too much pain and not sleeping, I'm on the computer looking up things. I've taken 7 antibiotics in the past months. I have an on-going low grade fever. I have one Cataract because I had one removed and then got sick & I can't have either the other Cataract removed OR the second total knee replacement done. I am going into the hospital in 2 days for comprehensive testing. I've had MRIs, Cat scans, tons of blood work. I have severe osteoarthritis all over my body and intense muscle pain that seems to travel around, confusion, lymph nodes swell up and go down, sore throat that comes and goes. I've lost 1/2 of my hair and I am 4 INCHES shorter than I was last year. 4 inches!! I insisted on using a different scale and when the second scale said I was 5ft 1 1/2" I just started bawling like a baby. It scared me so much! I thought I'd be dead in a month. Months later, there are days when I wish I was dead because of the pain. The last few days, using Gaia Adrenal Health, have felt the best in all of that time. I couldn't feel more grateful. I will take this to the hospital with me when I am admitted and tell my doctor what an amazing difference I feel. Then when I come back to Amazon to look at other's reviews and see this man's 1 star review plus the fact that he quotes WebMD when there is really nothing there - oh - I had to take the time to write back!! Get a grip Jim. ps I do not work for Gaia & I have no relationship with their company