I refer to this as my miracle supplement. I have used this product since autumn 2009 alongside my allergy and asthma medication. Over time, I noticed significant improvements and no longer needed my prescriptions. I now combine this product with NOW brand Quercetin with Bromelain, and I am off my allergy and asthma medications. I increase my intake during allergy season, monitoring closely to avoid an asthma attack.
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Oregano oil is suitable for acute and chronic coughs, utilised as an expectorant and cough reliever. It combats infectious agents in the respiratory tract, making it a helpful adjunct for managing simple colds and flu. Oregano oil can relieve sore throats, coughs, and asthma, along with viral and bacterial infections.
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Oregano essential oil possesses analgesic, antiseptic, and antiviral properties. During the autumn-winter season of epidemics, it effectively combats fungi and parasites. Oregano acts as an expectorant, aiding with bronchitis and asthma.
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