WOW it worked!!!! An answer to prayer!
I'm a caregiver to my father-in-law who is an amputee with PAD and alz/dementia. He moved in with us very sick. The cramps were bad and kept him up. The VA docs just wan to do surgery. Well the last time they ended up taking his other leg. I was not that close to him then, and lived far from him. After I did some praying and researching, I found that some ppl said they did great on resveratrol. (I'm no stranger to natural sups and prefer to do so most of the time.) Well, I began to give him these for 2 months and during that time we changed many things and I thought that his lessoning of cramps were from other things combined in his diet & day (basically lots of water, mostly organic, gluten free, dairy free & low on additives). Generally, I ask him everyday if he had issues (esp pain or cramps) during the night. After being off these (pricey) pills for a week or so, he began to complain of cramps again! So I wasn't sure until I got the bottle in. Within the next 2-3 days his cramps almost completely disappeared!!!! For those times, we pray and they stop! So very thankful for these & the power of prayer!!!