Persistent eczema vanished
For more than two years, I suffered from eczema on the backs of both hands: red, scaly, flaky, and itchy. Like many people, I was prescribed a steroidal ointment. This would relieve the symptoms temporarily, but it didn't cure the problem, and I was concerned about long-term side effects, so I used it very sparingly after a while. After seeing suggestions on the Internet that systemic enzymes helped relieve eczema, I gave it a try. In short: Two months after I started taking Wobenzym, the eczema is completely gone. In fact, as far as I can recall it completely vanished within a month, maybe even sooner. I am otherwise healthy and did not change anything else about my diet or supplementation when I started taking the enzymes. At most, I was taking 6 of the tablets twice a day on an empty stomach, with lots of water, waiting a full hour before eating anything; now that the eczema's cleared up, I take a "maintenance" dose of 2 or 3 tablets once a day, sometimes twice a day if I think of it. Yes, this product seems expensive, but it cured me of an unpleasant and embarrassing problem. I'm a believer