My gf has a polyp/tumor the size of an inch in her uterus and has been bleeding heavily and cramping for about 5 or 6 months daily! She also has Endometriosis and 5 cysts in her right ovary with PCOS. The first night she took ONE PILL just to make sure there were no problems. The next day she only bled a little throughout the day, not heavy requiring pads. The second day she took a total of 5 pills and bleeding went down to spotting, third day it stopped!!! It has been about a week now and there is NO bleeding and the cramping stopped after the FIRST pill. I am not exaggerating. We cannot believe it. Now she is supposed to be on her regular period and is LESS than spotting and has NO PAIN AT ALL! Since she started her period at age 14 this has never happened. I also have Fibromyalgia and woke up the first morning after taking these with no brain fog, in a good mood and my pain was a 2 overall in my body instead of a 9 or 10. I usually holler in pain while trying to get out of bed and my whole body hurts so badly. We have tried fish oils, Turmeric, American Herbs, Serrapeptase, Chinese herbs, mushrooms, you name it and thousands of dollars over the years. Our cabinets are FULL of supplements and so are our countertops. Nothing has helped this much, this quick and without side effects! I am in awe...I have been searching so darn long for relief and my gf has been very depressed over the lack of help Dr.s could give her and only really offered surgery! Periods always led to her having to take Tylenol with Codeine and she always gets anemic by the third day which takes a week or so to build back up. Life has been difficult for her in this area and she was considering a hysterectomy which is a horrible thing to have to do. We are excited to see what will happen next with her Asthma, n cysts and with my Fibro later on. We have really sensitive stomachs and neither one of us has ever experienced a tummy ache from taking these. We do follow directions with drinking the appropriate amount of water with them so maybe the people complaining may not be drinking the required amount of water