Nice vitamins, may be allergic
I gave this a low rating solely because I started to have a reaction to it out of the blue. I've been purchasing this multivitamin on and off since late 2018. In May of 2019, I broke out in mysterious hives all over my arms. The itching was so bad, that multiple dermatologists thought I had Scabies. I eliminated many things from my diet, including these vitamins, which resulted in the itchy rash going away. Fast forward to this year, I started taking these regularly again, every single day at 2PM and the itchy rash came back! This time, I had circles of small, red bumps and hives on my upper arms that turned white. And I always noticed that the itching would become worse in the afternoon to bedtime. A new dermatologist suggested that it was an allergic reaction. On a whim, I came back to the reviews for these vitamins, decided to stop taking them and voilà , no new rashes have appeared. In no way am I saying that these multiviamins are damaged or contain harmful materials. This is just an anecdote for anyone to take heed of just in case they develop skin rashes all of a sudden