RM-10 A great pill to having in ones life
If you are sick, Cancer , MS this is the supplement. But if with Breast Cancer stage 3 or 4 plan on taking 10 to 20 pills 3 times a day if you want your immune system to be strong enough to fight back the effects of cancer and chemo. Taking a fe pills a day on stage 4 will never do a thing for you. MS I have a friend taking 5 pills 3 times a day. She is sold on RM-10. I had bladder cancer the tumor size was the size of a golf ball. First operation took 12 hours. I was not healthy as I thought. It came back 14 months later. Went on a ALKALINE diet and lots an lots of RM-10. Hey! I'm alive and five years in remission. Three things saved me. And leave one out and your gone. Alkaline Diet, raw greens, lots of green shakes 3 times a day. You get used to them and eventually you like them. Gives lots of energy, 2nd is RM-10 and Probiotic Formula and Digestive Enzyme all by "Garden of Life".. and last the #3 thing. GOD, with out Him in your daily days of suffering, you best just give it up. Was never a good christian, but that changes 7 years ago. Now here is something crazy my girlfriend did with her cat. The vet told my GF to put her cat down, she had liver problems and it was bad and painful. Daria went home and cut up and crushed 2 RM-10 everyday for a month. Attack 3.5 weeks for the cat to feel like walking around. Daria did it for two more weeks. The blood work from the vet said the cat was doing fine. Yea.... I take now one RM-10 with every meal now that am doing great. DRINK lots of WATEr people, keep away from SUGARS.. bad news. God bless you al