Wasn't what I expected to happen…
I had high hopes of loving this supplement due to the craze TikTok herbal woman going nuts over it and how much it had helped others with their stress and mood. When I got my package I automatically wanted to try and took one pill. 600mg. First time ever trying this. An hour and half goes by and I notice my mood was better and just overall felt new. I am a homemaker and SAHM to two kids, I knew this was gonna be the Golden Ticket for my Postpartum Rage that comes and goes. BUT... 5 hours goes by, I am laying in bed and this harsh wave of nausea comes over me. I started to vomit everywhere and diarrhea like no other. I was able to get a hold of it but it came back. This time my leg locked up and I couldnt move in my bed for two hours. I was literally palalyzed for two hours. I began to lay there and vomit on myself, lightheaded, Hot flashes and also pooped on myself. I dont know what I did...maybe...I took too high of a dose... thats what I'm hoping happened. I wish I could make this up but I want other to be aware of what could happen and I truly think it was because of the high dosage. Please use this with cautious and don't make the mistake I did on trying something out of impulse. I want to try this again and cut the pill in half but still afraid this might happen again. AND NO I AM NOT a person with any diseases or one that is always sick. This literally happened out of nowhere