Wish it had more B VITAMINS for my daily value
I love these whole food derived prenatal vitamins.. because i try to steer as far away as possible from synthetic ones. This one is the extreme oppossite.. I just wished they had more to add to the percentage of B vitamins so i won't have to buy extra,.. but thats just me.. I have not only taken these as a prenatal but also as a multivitamin.. Have you read the "Makers Diet" by Jordan Rubin well they created this Garden of Life vitamin line.. and In my opinion it is very trustworthy..and their book is also a good read if your interested in a good whole food based diet book.. Anyway According to their Garden of Life website: Their extensive non GMO verification process and, hence, the non GMO Project Verified label:assures that a product has been produced according to consensus based best practices for GMO avoidance through: verification maintenance by an annual audit and onsite inspections for high-risk products. rigorous traceability and segregation practices (after testing) to ensure ingredient integrity through to the finished product. ensuring that any ingredient that is also grown commercially in GMO form is tested prior to use in a non GMO verified product to ensure Non-GMO status. an Action Threshold of 0.9%. This aligns with laws in the European Union, where products containing more than 0.9% GMO must be labeled. a thorough review of ingredient specification sheets to determine absence of GMO risk Also with vitamins are uncooked, untreated and unadulterated, with no binders or fillers Vitamin Code Prenatal is also a wonderful multivitamin for newly lactating mothersâ€"with the immune support extending to that of the newborn, breast-fed baby. Just like me, you can give your child a “head start,” supporting the child's immune system, even before birth. Sometime during your pregnancy, blood volume can increase up to 50%, increasing iron requirements and causing the heart to work harder to support the developing child's needs. Vitamin Code RAW Prenatal Formula supports heart health and blood health with raw food-created iron, vitamins C, E, and B-Complex, plus folate. Vitamin Code RAW Prenatal also contains 800mcg of raw food-created folate. This is more than what the The Centers for Disease Control recommends. Folate is a B vitamin found mostly in green, leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale and this is where They get it from instead of synthetic folic acid. I have taken these along with my b-vitamins recently..The reason why I also take the Vitamin code b- complex is because im always lethargic.. im prone to being anemic,.. my hands, and body always Cold, im always a couch potato my husband tells me to get off my feet. Anyway long story short.. these along with the b complex have given me soo much energy.. and the vitamins I've been missing out on! If you liked my review please feel free to vote that it was helpful thankyou so much!