Several years ago, I was 23 and generally healthy, when I suddenly started having a lot of health problems. Some of this started during a time when I was working in a hospital emergency room, so my immune system was really being taxed.
For months, I was sick on a weekly basis, with headaches, severe migraines, serious rashes, swollen hands and feet, colds, lightheadedness, etc. I had to call out of school and work so often that I worried people were starting to think I was just making things up.
I sought help from several doctors, and we eventually figured out I was having thyroid issues, as well as problems from chronic lyme disease infections. As one of the additions to my treatment plan, my doctor recommended probiotics, specifically this brand.
I started taking 1 per day, then gradually worked up to 2, then 3. It did mess with my digestion a bit in the beginning, but I had expected that. I'd suggest working up to the full dose slowly.
Within a few weeks, I was seeing major improvements to my health. Of course, some of that is due to going on thyroid meds, but I think these probiotics really helped with the immune issues specifically. I was no longer constantly sick, and gradually was able to spend time around other sick people without catching their colds. My digestion and IBS also improved.
The only thing I didn't like about these probiotics was that I had to take several of them per day. I was already taking other medications and vitamins as well, and wanted to minimize the number of pills I took daily because I felt it was too much to take and keep track of. Every time I stopped taking these, I would eventually catch a Cold again. So, I stayed on them for about a year or two. In the end, the main reason I stopped was because I had to take several pills, it was getting expensive, and I felt I had reached a point where I was healthy enough to not need them every day.
I've been in great health for five years now, and I credit these probiotics with helping me rebuild my immune system. I haven't tried other brands of probiotics because these worked so well for me. I have recommended them to other people with immune issues, and if my immune system ever gets weak again, I'm going right back on these
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