What a relief – for acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn – and hair loss?
I have been drinking George's Aloe for almost a year now & have significantly reduced my dependence on Nexium for heartburn, reflux, indigestion. I have been on Nexium for 5 years & get a little concerned about taking it for so long, even though my gastroenterologist says it's fine. I have not been able to go one day without taking Nexium until I started drinking George's Aloe. A friend of mine heard about George's Aloe from her holistic pharmacist. George's Aloe has no taste or texture - it's like drinking water. I drink about 2 oz. every other day - the days I don't take Nexium. Another side benefit is that my hair is thicker. My beautician noticed that my hair wasn't falling out like it used to, and we attributed it to George's Aloe. One of the reasons I decided aloe might work for me is because when I was visiting St. John, USVI, I went on an island tour. Our tour guide pulled to the side of the road & showed us an aloe plant. He said that when their babies get sick, they put a little aloe in their baby bottles & they get better. Apparently aloe also helps with thinning mucus. So many uses for aloe, who knew? Now you do