Crucial for health
I am outrageously stubborn about suggesting supplements and diets and other such health fads to people, even when I THINK they are working for me, and I am incredibly untrusting of other people's self-reporting, because people placebo themselves and then put out a 5 star review before they can possibly know what is actually happening in their body. The excitement of believing that you have a cure-all does wonders for brand-promotion and temporary mental stress reduction, so I don't blame people, but I am wary, and you should be too. I have been taking J. Crow's Lugol's 2% for ~2 years, going through 8 of the 2oz bottles in that time. I have done all sorts of things with my diet and lifestyle to bring down my weight and increase my energy and I have changed dramatically what and how I eat, but I never stopped taking Iodine (with mineral salt and water!!!!) and I have been on a consistent, although frustratingly slow weight loss path. No matter how or what or when I eat and whatever digestive or inflammation issues arise, I am always steadily losing weight since the introduction of Iodine. It has been SLOW, but it has been GENUINE weight loss as well. Apparently there are muscles and tendons and veins under my skin...who knew? Nothing else has ever worked this consistently for me. I have had absolutely no weight fluctuation since I started on Lugol's; it has been a slow, steady loss of weight the whole time. I cannot possibly say what other things may be aiding me, but Iodine was a distinct change from the multitude of other health-promoting changes I made. I would also recommend something like a Clearly Filtered water filter and perhaps the very easy-to-read books by Dr. Brownstein. I refuse to recommend anything to anyone, because of how variable our conditions and tolerances are, but I am recommending Iodine to you, because it is the most impactful, but subtle change I've made to my diet. I started out at 3-5 drops just to be safe and worked up to 10-12 or sometimes 15, going up or down to see if I noticed anything, but I have been at a steady 20 drops for a few months now. It seems like everyone will have a different tolerance and need, so play it safe, and good luck. I hope you benefit like I have