JCROW'S Lugol Solution saved me from an enlarged thyroid condition
J.CROW'S 2 percent is amazing.One day at the end of July 2015 I woke up with my neck enlarged. Not one to go to doctors I researched online and found out I had a thyroid problen. I had been tired for many months before my neck swelled up which is a sign of a thyroid problem Drinkable iodine was the cure with 200-400mcg of selenium capsules for it to work It took about 2 weeks for the swelling to disappear.I had used 6-10 drops in iced tea with the selenium once a day. But a strange thing happened after Those 2 weeks I started feeling energized could not get more than 6-7 hours of sleep could stay up all night if I wanted to.It literally brought me back to life . Nobody in the U.S. gets enough iodine and maybe your symptoms of tiredness and lethargy is caused by lack of iodine. It has to be taken with Selenium 200-400mcg or it will not convert it to something usable to the body Iodine is an amazing cure for Asthma and so many health problems from the hours upon hours of research I did online an J.CROWS 2 percent or 5 percent is the only drinkable iodine I will ever use and I still take it every day and feel like I am 40 again even though I am 65 never drink it straight or you will burn your mouth and inside