For hypothyroid people
okay so after noticing 5 ponths postpartum my energy was literally nothing i would sleep 16 hours a day and take 2 naps in the day. no matter how great i ate and excercise i couldnt lose weight ! for me that was the biggest red flag.i had to quit my job too hair was dry like if all i did was smoke cigarrettes my skin was dry my nails started peeling ...i decided to go to the doctor after a month of experiencing these symptons i thought something was not right so i went january 6,2017 to be told i had a goiter hypothyroidism borderline diabetes ..... the first thing i did was cry literally everyday i would wake up thinking i wasnt going to live to be by my newborn son side. they gabe me syntheroid and it worked for a week but then i experienced dramatic weight gain acne and depression so i stopped the syntheroid 2 weeks in ....then i tried a gluten free raw diet but that didnt give me my energy it just helped my my stomach and digestive issues i had at the time ... i was tired feeling like crap so i did some research and found that a goiter was the result of a iodine defficiency so i decided to go on amazon and find out if they had supplement and i found lugols iodine drops. imediatley i went to read the reviews and to find that this had gave peoples energys back ... well im proof to tell you that its absolutley true !!!!!!! in a week !JUST A WEEK i was ables to wake up at 6 in the morning with only 5 hours of sleep wow!! and my husband even noticed that i no longer complained to get up i just jumped out of bed ! my hair is growing again after a 7 month halt it went through my skin is not pale its my normal skin color .... and my nails stopped peeling ... im not a doctor but i also advise this if you have hypothyroidism i reccomend you get tested for candida because i found out i had candida so you have to make a protocol that will work for candida and hypothyroidism . i take collagen powder in the morning to help heal the seals in my gut .... i started eating fermented things like kombucha , saerkraet , and apple cider vinegat to regain my gut while taking iodine drops for my thyroid issues , also im taking wormwood extract for candida so all this together and a gluten free low fruit cooked veggie diet i will say im on the path to healing ...NEVER GIVE UP if i had given uo and believed doctors i had a incurable disease i wouldnt be where i am now 2 months later .. believe in yourself dont let your family tell you that medicine is your only choice find supportive people in the raw food and naturalist community . Before you give up when you are starting the path to healing i will say changing to a cleaner diet all this detoxing food will give you a pretty bad detox effect if you jump on it too quickly i would say start incorperating things slowly so your body can adjust to it or unlike me suffer 3 weeks of sneezing cold and Flu symtoms due to rushing into detox ...but if you do take my route THEIR IS A LIGHT AT THE ENND OF THE TUNNEL i am feeling so much better and would do it again anyday to regain my health ..GOODLUCK HAPOY HEALING BELIEVE IN YOURSEL