Amazing Results…
I was browsing around, and in a fit of nostalgia, I wondered whether anyone still used iodine for cuts. I came across reviews and information that made me sit up and take notice. I have had eczema and psoriasis (sebhorric(Sp) dermatitis on my hands and feet that make them crack and bleed at the worst, and just make them sensitive usually) for the past 20 years. I've tried everything, and hate using ointments that make me feel like my hands are covered in crap, and lotions that haven't worked. I have very sensitive skin, and conditions such as ingrown hairs, and more recently acne, have been plaguing me. (I had my eyebrows threaded and said 'yes' to the lotion they put on afterward, which resulted in a nice acne raccoon mask for the past 6 weeks. It just got bad and never seemed to get better.)After reading all the feedback about the effect on skin conditions, I thought I'd give it a try. I also have been having a bit of trouble losing weight after having my daughter, but admittedly, that has a lot to do with lifestyle. I have slightly thinning hair attributable to age. I have struggled with Insomnia in varying degrees for most of my life, but recently it hit a point of affecting my life in a substantial way. I'm 40, so I imagine part of that is due to hormonal imbalances as I age. So, coincidentally, the day before I started taking this, I donated blood. The iodine solution they put on my arm (Two times, standard protocol) was completely gone a few hours after donating. It hadn't stained into the band-aid or cotton that I could see. While I didn't use this as conclusive evidence that I had deficiency, I feel it bears mentioning. My Thyroid levels, tested a couple months ago, were within normal range but a little on the hypo side. (Articles I have read indicated that the normal range may not be completely indicative of hypo or hyper thyroid conditions, and that additional tests could be given) Within a day of taking my first 5 drop dose (in a large glass of water - it tastes like a doctor's office smells.) My hands started to feel.... different. They seemed to be healing from the inside out. My skin felt less irritated, and just healthier. My feet seemed to have a pretty profound affect, although the sensitivity wasn't as pronounced on them to begin wiht. A patch of eczema in my inner arm started to not be so angry and itchy, and the acne on my face started to clear.(not only no new blemishes, it appears that the existing ones were healing better) I lost 6 pounds in two weeks, without a change in my diet. After reading up on the topic and being afraid of taking too much (I didn't exhibit all the symptoms of hypo), I scaled back on the dosage after a couple weeks, (down to just my multivitamin) and noticed my hands started to feel dry and cracked again. I never had any body temperature issues, but perhaps weighing more compensated for that. I also read that there are components, when taken with iodine, that change the makeup and efficacy. I've not had a huge energy shift that I can tell, however I am getting more done. (that sounds strange, but I never felt lethargic) Mental clarity for me was never an issue, so I don't see a perceptible difference here either. So, I'm gonna recommend that you talk to your Doctor, but I have had some pretty great favorable results from using this product. I've heard that Vitamin C (citric Acid) does not play well with this stuff, so putting it into something containing that to mask the flavor probably isn't a good idea. I took 5 drops in a large glass of water first thing every morning. Edit: a few more notes. I live in Michigan, which evidently experienced an environmental disaster in 1973-1976, where a great deal of farm animals feed was mixed with a harmful chemical, resulting in increased PBB levels for 9 out of 10 Michiganders. I was a milk drinking toddler at the time, so it's likely that I've experienced some effect from that. Those symptoms can be alleviated with iodine therapy. While this doesn't say that anyone else won't have good results, my individual experience is slightly unique. That said, it's December 22' I am sleeping well, and have a much more even appetite, so I'm still losing a little weight. I take a five drops every other day and still feel pretty great