SUPER good results
UPDATE: One thing I learned early on, and a little known fact, is that an iodine deficiency (and even if you get yours tested and it shows as "normal" your body could still be deficient) will inhibit LDL cholesterol clearance. Thus, you could be doing all the right things and your cholesterol would remain high "for no reason" (so say the doctors). I started taking the Crow Lugols in April 2022. At that time my total cholesterol was 351. My doc wasn't happy about that. But I knew it was not high for "no reason" and I was determined to figure it out. Our diet has already been clean for 4 years. No grains, no added sugars, good fats, mostly organic meats & veggies. --- Fast forward to June 2021. I am up to 3mg of iodine a day. No more TPO antibodies AND my cholesterol was 194 for the first time in, well, at least a decade. I changed nothing else except the iodine. I was dancing through the house. You can only imagine how amazing it feels to fix something without Big Pharma medicines. It makes me want to take the results into my PCP and say Boo-ya! Maybe this paragraph will help someone, I hope so. ORIGINAL REVIEW: We are newer to iodine useage. We use these drops in our morning bulletproof coffee and that has been a perfect carrier agent. I am up to 3mg per day and my husband is at 4mg. We couple the drops with selenium, magnesium, and B vitamins. In the last several weeks I have lost 15 pounds without trying. My energy is up and my pain and inflammation is down. I am 49 years old and have been grain free (with no added sugars) for 4 years. My energy is way way up too. My cycles which were slipped into peri-Menopause went from their shortened 24 days to 26 days so far. The only "side effect" seems to be an increase in anxiety which I researched and found to be normal as the body adjusts. We will keep taking this. Good brand and results