Good For Pins And Needles
This is the first calcium supplement I've been able to tolerate. I feel it really is getting into my bones and not just spiking my blood calcium levels. I like that they include the K2 and pottassium citrate to help direct it towards the skeleton. I feel I should include something here in case anyone else has it going on and doesn't realise what it is being caused by. I get pins and needles and nerve pain sometimes and I haven't been able to figure out what it causing it. But taking these prevent it and chase it back when it does happen. My blood sugar goes up to 200 at highest which I don;t think is high enough for neuropathy but it is possible. In any case for some reason these bone up pills alleviate that. My blood calcium labs are always on the high end and doctors say don't take calcium. But I get Bone pain and these nerve pains which this product helps with. Another hospital once took my calcium and ionised calcium which is the calcium we are able to use. I guess blood calcium can actually be high when we are deficient? And then the body pulls it from our bones into our blood because we need it. And if that is going on then serum calcium looks high but ionised will be low. mine was low. I'm mentioning all of this not to put all my issues out there but because I think it could help someone else who might be in pain and have no idea what is going on. It's possible something I might have said here could help someone figure their own issues out, if the Drs can't