Great anti-inflammatory benefits with significant reduction in pain!
I suffer from severe chronic pain resulting from nerve damage after 4 left shoulder surgeries. I have been on narcotics for years with very little relief from my constant pain. I have constant upper back spasms from neck injuries after 2 auto accidents. I cannot take steroids or any anti-inflammatory due to severe side effects (Atrial fibrillation from steroids & GI bleeding from anti-inflammatory meds). I took 1 tablet with my evening meal & noticed a significant reduction in my pain within 4 hours. My muscle spasms are much worse in the evenings which prevents me from sleeping. I slept better last night then I have slept in years because the muscle spasms were almost completely alleviated after taking my PM dose of this supplement along with my magnesium glycinate supplement (great for muscle spasms). The next morning it was a dramatic reduction in AM stiffness & pain. I also noticed that my spring allergy symptoms were much better. No nasal stuffiness whatsoever the next morning. I normally can hardly breathe through my nose even with allergy nasal sprays & oral meds because my nasal passages are so swollen & irritated. This seems to work very well for me. I take a lot of herbal supplements as I normally have less side effects from herbal supplements than from prescription meds. I also take Pau D'Arco & Cats Claw which both have anti-inflammatory properties. I have responded very well to those 2 herbal supplements also